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CEEMS tool is a utility tool that can be used to test, configure and validate CEEMS related components. It is distributed along with pre-compiled binaries, ceems_api_server DEB/RPM packages and CEEMS container.

All the available options from the ceems_tool can be listed using --help

ceems_tool --help

All the available command line options are listed in CEEMS Tool CLI docs.

Prometheus Recording Rules

Grafana dashboards provided by CEEMS rely on recording rules feature of Prometheus to create new "derived" metrics from raw metrics exported by the ceems_exporter. The advantage of using recording rules is that operators will have unified view of compute unit metrics irrespective of their infrastructure.

Imagine a situation where a set of nodes in a cluster exposes the power usage with IPMI DCMI and another set of nodes in the same cluster exposes power usage with Redfish. In this case we need to write different queries depending on the target node in the Grafana dashboard which can quickly become complicated and prohibitive. By using recording-rules we can create new "dervied" metrics with same labels for all sets of nodes by taking into account differences in their hardware while writing the rules.

Recording rules also helps to speed up the queries. For instance, in a typical case of estimating power usage of a compute unit, we need to use multiple time series to get the power usage of a given compute unit. Making such requests involving multiple time series with long durations can slow down Prometheus response time. By using recording rules, there will be only one time series for each metric and hence, fetching them would be much faster.

ceems_tool can be used to generate recording rules files that will create new series which will be eventually used in the Grafana dashboards. Once the Prometheus has been configured to scrape the target nodes, we can use ceems_tool as follows:

ceems_tool tsdb create-recording-rules --url=http://localhost:9090 --country-code=FR

The above command ceems_tool tsdb create-recording-rules supports CLI options --start and --end to use a start and end times, respectively. Use times where there is a representative usage of the cluster. The tool will make few queries to auto detect the metrics available. For instance, if there are no SLURM jobs or Openstack VMs that are using GPUs between --start and --end times, the tool will not generate rule files for GPU related metrics.

The --url flag must point to Prometheus server. To include emission factor for appropriate country, ISO2 country code can be passed to --country-code flag. This command will fetch all the CEEMS related series in the provided Prometheus server and generates rules files in rules directory. If operators would like to use their own custom static emission factor value, it can be passed using --emission-factor CLI flag. However, it is not possible to set both --country-code and --emission-factor.


If Redfish Collector is being used and it has multiple chassis, the above will ask for user input on which chassis must be included in the recording rules. Operators must choose the chassis that reports the host power usage.

The generated rules files have comments explaining the rationale behind estimation of power usage for individual compute units.


The generated rules files should work in most of the cases. If operators would like to change the power estimation method, they can modify the generated rules files manually to suit their infrastructure.

The generated recording rules must be added to Prometheus server config. On a default configuration, copy these rules files to /etc/prometheus/rules and add the following configuration to Prometheus configuration file:

- "/etc/prometheus/ruls/*.rules"

By reloading/restarting Prometheus, new series defined in the recording rules files must be evaluated and added to Prometheus server.

CEEMS TSDB Updater Queries

Once the generated recording rules are added to Prometheus server, we can leverage the new "derived" series to estimate the aggregate metrics of compute units that will be stored in CEEMS API server's DB. TSDB Updater is responsible for estimating the aggregate metrics of each compute unit and updating the DB. As a part of TSDB Updater Config, we need to configure the queries to estimate aggregate metrics. This can be done using ceems_tool as follows:

ceems_tool tsdb create-ceems-tsdb-updater-queries --url=http://localhost:9090

The --url flag must point to Prometheus server. This will output the queries section of TSDB updater config which must be added to ceems_api_server's configuration file.