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CEEMS Load Balancer

The following shows the reference for CEEMS load balancer config. A valid sample configuration file can be found in the repo.

# Configuration file to configure CEEMS Load Balancer
# This config file has following sections:
# - `ceems_lb`: Core configuration of CEEMS LB
# - `ceems_api_server`: Client configuration of CEEMS API server
# - `clusters`: This is optional config which can be used to validate backends IDs
# Load balancing strategy. Three possibilites
# - round-robin
# - least-connection
# - resource-based
# Round robin and least connection are classic strategies.
# Resource based works based on the query range in the TSDB query. The
# query will be proxied to the backend that covers the query_range
[ strategy: <lbstrategy> | default = round-robin ]

# List of backends for each cluster
[ - <backend_config> ]

# CEEMS API server config.
# This config is essential to enable access control on the TSDB. By excluding
# this config, no access control is imposed on the TSDB and a basic load balancing
# based on the chosen strategy will be made.
# Essentially, basic access control is implemented by checking the ownership of the
# queried unit. Users that belong to the same project can query the units belong
# to that project.
# For example, if there is a unit U that belongs to User A and
# Project P. Any user that belongs to same project P can query for the metrics of unit U
# but not users from other projects.
# The DB contains the information of user and projet units and LB will verify
# if user/project is the owner of the uuid under request to decide whether to
# proxy request to backend or not.
# To identify the current user, X-Grafana-User header will be used that Grafana
# is capable of sending to the datasource. Grafana essenatially adds this header
# on the backend server and hence it is not possible for the users to spoof this
# header from the browser.
# In order to enable this feature, it is essential to set `send_user_header = true`
# in Grafana config file.
# If both CEEMS API and CEEMS LB is running on the same host, it is preferable to
# use the DB directly using `data.path` as DB query is way faster than a API request
# If both apps are deployed on the same host, ensure that the user running `ceems_lb`
# has permissions to open CEEMS API data files
[ <data_config> ]

# In the case where CEEMS API and ceems LB are deployed on different hosts, we can
# still perform access control using CEEMS API server by making a API request to
# check the ownership of the queried unit. This method should be only preferred when
# DB cannot be access directly as API request has additional latency than querying DB
# directly.
# If both `data.path` and `web.url` are provided, DB will be preferred as it has lower
# latencies.
[ <web_client_config> ]


A backend_config allows configuring backend TSDB servers for load balancer.

# Identifier of the cluster
# This ID must match with the ones defined in `clusters` config. CEEMS API server
# will tag each compute unit from that cluster with this ID and when verifying
# for compute unit ownership, CEEMS LB will use the ID to query for the compute
# units of that cluster.
# This identifier needs to be in the path parameter for requests to CEEMS LB
# to target correct cluster. For instance there are two different clusters,
# say `cluster-0` and `cluster-1`, that have different TSDBs configured. Using CEEMS
# LB we can load balance the traffic for these two clusters using a single CEEMS LB
# deployement. However, we need to tell CEEMS LB which cluster to target for the
# incoming traffic. This is done via path parameter.
# If CEEMS LB is running at http://localhost:9030, then the `cluster-0` is reachable at
# `http://localhost:9030/cluster-0` and `cluster-1` at `http://localhost:9030/cluster-1`.
# Internally, CEEMS will strip the first part in the URL path, use it to identify
# cluster and proxy the rest of URL path to underlying TSDB backend.
# Thus, all the requests to `http://localhost:9030/cluster-0` will be load
# balanced across TSDB backends of `cluster-0`.
id: <idname>

# List of TSDBs for this cluster. Load balancing between these TSDBs will be
# made based on the strategy chosen.
# TLS is not supported for backends. CEEMS LB supports TLS and TLS terminates
# at the LB and requests are proxied to backends on HTTP.
# LB and backend servers are meant to be in the same DMZ so that we do not need
# to encrypt communications. Backends however support basic auth and they can
# be configured in URL with usual syntax.
# An example of configuring the basic auth username and password with backend
# - http://alice:password@localhost:9090
[ - <host> ]