--help | Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man). | |
--version | Show application version. | |
--log.format | Output format of log messages. One of: [logfmt, json] | logfmt |
--log.level | Only log messages with the given severity or above. One of: [debug, info, warn, error] | info |
--web.systemd-socket | Use systemd socket activation listeners instead of port listeners (Linux only). | false |
--web.debug-server | Enable /debug/pprof profiling endpoints | false |
--runtime.gomaxprocs / GOMAXPROCS | The target number of CPUs Go will run on | 1 |
--collector.disable-defaults | Set all collectors to disabled by default | false |
--web.max-requests | Maximum number of parallel scrape requests. Use 0 to disable. | 40 |
--web.disable-exporter-metrics | Exclude metrics about the exporter itself (promhttp_, process_, go_*). | false |
--web.targets-path | Path under which to expose Grafana Alloy targets. | /alloy-targets |
--web.telemetry-path | Path under which to expose metrics. | /metrics |
--web.config.file / CEEMS_EXPORTER_WEB_CONFIG_FILE | Path to configuration file that can enable TLS or authentication. See: docs.md | |
--web.listen-address | Addresses on which to expose metrics and web interface. | :9010 |
--collector.slurm | Enable the slurm collector | false |
--collector.redfish | Enable the redfish collector | false |
--collector.rapl | Enable the rapl collector | true |
--collector.meminfo | Enable the meminfo collector | true |
--collector.libvirt | Enable the libvirt collector | false |
--collector.ipmi_dcmi | Enable the IPMI DCMI collector | false |
--collector.emissions | Enable the emissions collector | false |
--collector.cray_pm_counters | Enable the Cray PMC collector | false |
--collector.cpu | Enable the cpu collector | true |
--collector.slurm.gpu-order-map | GPU order mapping between SLURM and NVIDIA SMI/ROCm SMI tools. It should be of format <slurm_gpu_index>:<nvidia_or_rocm_smi_index>[.<mig_gpu_instance_id>] delimited by ",". | |
--collector.slurm.psi-metrics | Enables collection of PSI metrics | false |
--collector.slurm.swap-memory-metrics | Enables collection of swap memory metrics | false |
--collector.redfish.web-config / CEEMS_EXPORTER_REDFISH_COLL_CONFIG_FILE | Path to Redfish web configuration file. | |
--collector.rdma.stats | Enables collection of RDMA stats | false |
--collector.rapl.enable-zone-label | Enables RAPL zone labels | false |
--collector.perf.env-var | Enable profiling only on the processes having any of these environment variables set. If empty, all processes will be profiled. | |
--collector.perf.cache-profilers | perf cache profilers to collect | |
--collector.perf.hardware-cache-events | Enables collection of perf hardware cache events | false |
--collector.perf.software-profilers | perf software profilers to collect | |
--collector.perf.software-events | Enables collection of perf software events | false |
--collector.perf.hardware-profilers | perf hardware profilers to collect | |
--collector.perf.hardware-events | Enables collection of perf hardware events | false |
--collector.meminfo.all-stats | Enable collecting all meminfo stats | false |
--collector.libvirt.psi-metrics | Enables collection of PSI metrics | false |
--collector.libvirt.blkio-metrics | Enables collection of block IO metrics | false |
--collector.libvirt.swap-memory-metrics | Enables collection of swap memory metrics | false |
--collector.ipmi_dcmi.force-native-mode | Force native mode using OpenIPMI driver. | false |
--collector.ipmi_dcmi.dev-num | Device number used by OpenIPMI driver. For e.g. if device is found at /dev/ipmi0, device number is 0 | 0 |
--collector.ipmi_dcmi.cmd | IPMI DCMI command to get system power statistics. Use full path to executables. | |
--collector.emissions.provider | Exports emission factors from these providers (default: all). Supported providers: - "owid": Our World In Data - "emaps": Electricity Maps - "rte": RTE eCO2 Mix (Only for France) | |
--collector.ebpf.fs-mount-point | File system mount points to monitor IO stats. If empty all mount points are monitored. It is strongly advised to choose appropriate mount points to reduce cardinality. | |
--collector.ebpf.network-metrics | Enables collection of network metrics using ebpf | false |
--collector.ebpf.io-metrics | Enables collection of IO metrics using ebpf | false |
--collector.cgroup.active-subsystem | Active cgroup subsystem for cgroups v1. | cpuacct |
--discoverer.alloy-targets.self-profiler | Enable continuous profiling by Grafana Alloy on current process | false |
--discoverer.alloy-targets.env-var | Enable continuous profiling by Grafana Alloy only on the processes having any of these environment variables | |
--discoverer.alloy-targets | Enable Grafana Alloy targets discoverer | false |