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User endpoint for fetching compute units




This user endpoint will fetch compute units of the current user. The current user is always identified by the header X-Grafana-User in the request.

If multiple query parameters are passed, for instance, ?uuid=<uuid>&project=<project>, the intersection of query parameters are used to fetch compute units rather than the union. That means if the compute unit's uuid does not belong to the queried project, null response will be returned.

In order to return the running compute units as well, use the query parameter running.

If to query parameter is not provided, current time will be used. If from query parameter is not used, a default query window of 24 hours will be used. It means if to is provided, from will be calculated as to - 24hrs. If query parameter timezone is provided, the unit's created, start and end time strings will be presented in that time zone.

To limit the number of fields in the response, use field query parameter. By default, all fields will be included in the response if they are non-empty.

