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Compute Energy & Emissions Monitoring Stack (CEEMS)

CI/CDci CircleCI Coverage
MetaGitHub License Go Report Card code style

CEEMS is in early development phase, thus subject to breaking changes with no guarantee of backward compatibility.

CEEMS provide a set of components that enable operators to monitor the consumption of resources of the compute units of different resource managers like SLURM, Openstack and Kubernetes.

  • CEEMS Prometheus exporter is capable of exporting compute unit metrics including energy consumption from different resource managers.

  • CEEMS API server can store the aggregate metrics and metadata of each compute unit originating from different resource manager.

  • CEEMS load balancer provides basic access control on TSDB so that compute unit metrics from different projects/tenants/namespaces are isolated.

"Compute Unit" in the current context has a wider scope. It can be a batch job in HPC, a VM in cloud, a pod in k8s, etc. The main objective of the stack is to quantify the energy consumed and estimate emissions by each "compute unit". The repository itself does not provide any frontend apps to show dashboards and it is meant to use along with Grafana and Prometheus to show statistics to users.


Currently, only SLURM is supported as a resource manager. In future support for Openstack and Kubernetes will be added.